Publishing your event and approving your tickets

To sell tickets, your event must be published and your tickets approved

To host an event, both the event's publication and ticket approval are required.

Event publication

Publishing an event means making the event page, which can be viewed from the "Preview" button on the admin page, public.

Note: The event page URL will not change after publication.

However, just by publishing the event, buyers cannot purchase tickets.

Both event publication and ticket approval are necessary.

Ticket approval

Ticket approval means the event organizer approves the sale of the ticket on the event page, allowing purchasers to buy tickets.

Before approval:

The "Approve ticket" button will be displayed on the ticket detail page.

After approval

The ticket's status will read "Approved."

Even if the ticket is approved, if the event is not published, purchasers cannot view the event page and, therefore, cannot buy the ticket.

Thus, both event publication and ticket approval are essential.