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I can't register my bank information

After the 20th of every month, due to our company's payment processing, the ability to input or edit bank account information is locked.

If you wish to register or make changes after the 20th, please send us the following "Basic Information" and "Payment Details" via the provided form.

Basic information

  1. Company Name (Optional. Enter the official name of the company. If you're not affiliated with a company, please leave this blank.)
  2. Name
  3. Email address
  4. Phone number

Payment details

  1. Payment Method: You can choose either a Japanese bank account or Paypal

  2. Bank name:

  3. Branch name:

  4. Branch code:

    Please enter a 3-digit number in half-width characters

  5. Account type:

    Examples: Regular Savings, Checking, etc.

  6. Account number:

    Please enter a 7-digit number in half-width characters

  7. Account name:

    Only use Katakana, alphanumeric characters, spaces, "¥", ",", ".", "()", "-", and "/". This should match the inside cover of your bankbook.