How can I promote my next event?

Use Creator Services' newsletter function to send promotional emails to fans who have bought tickets to your events in the past.


  1. How to send a newsletter
  2. Points to be aware of when sending a newsletter
  3. Who will receive your newsletter

How to send a newsletter

  1. Log into Creator Services, select "Newsletter" from the menu, and click the "Create campaign" button.
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  2. Fill out required fields.
    ✏️ You can insert images, etc. using the rich text editor for the email content.
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  3. Click the "Continue" button to view a preview.
    ✏️ Emails are not sent at this point.
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  4. Confirm the email content with the preview.
  5. Click the "Send ## emails" button to send your newsletter.

Points to be aware of when sending a newsletter

  • Currently, it's not possible to send a newsletter to only purchasers from a particular previous event.
    ✏️ coming soon!
  • The newsletter will not be delivered to users who have unsubscribed from receiving emails from your profile.

Who will receive your newsletter

  • Users who have purchased tickets for your events in the past or who left after starting the purchase process
  • Users who have signed up for your newsletter from your Creator Hub